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The consequences of Brexit for the British 18 Jul

The consequences of Brexit for the British


At first, the majority of British people were happy with the future exit from the European Union as a result of the referendum held on June 23, 2016 in the United Kingdom. Currently, more than one may have regretted voting "yes" to leaving the EU. There are several consequences that Brexit can bring to the British: Pay a millionaire amount to reach an agreement To reach an agreement with the EU, the United Kingdom would have to face a gross payment of 100,000 million euros in addition ...

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Health collapse in the UK as a result of Brexit 28 Jun

Health collapse in the UK as a result of Brexit


The recent decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union has generated great controversy in British society. Especially in terms of health care that they will have in the future. Return of 190,000 British expats to the UK 190,000 is the number of pensioners who reside in a country of the European Union and who will have to return to their country of origin as a result of Brexit. This could cost a millionaire amount to the British Health System. Specifically, we are talking about a f...

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British expats living in Spain and Brexit 27 Jun

British expats living in Spain and Brexit


Nearly 600,000 Britons reside in Spain. The imminent departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit), following the notification sent by the British Prime Minister to the European Council, may have significant consequences on the health rights currently enjoyed by British expatriates in Spain. situation of uncertainty that many of these expatriates solve with a contracted health insurance in Spain. The time it will take to leave the European Union is not very clear at the moment...

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