Family assistance IPLUS Profesionales
If you are self employed or you have you own company in Spain, with Sanitas Profesionales you will have access to a fully comprehensive health plan that also includes specific covers for you as self employed: traffic and occupational accidents and total protection
Cover included
- Primary medicine and consultations with specialists: dermatology, ophthalmology, gynaecology...
- Diagnostic tests: clinical analyses, ultrasound scans...
- Therapeutic methods: rehabilitation sessions, oncological treatments, respiratory therapies, speech therapy sessions, lithotripsy, radiotherapy...
- Surgery: with or without hospitalisation.
- Emergency care when travelling abroad to any country in the world.
- Traffic and occupational accidents: the best cover also in this case.
Total Protection
To cover your needs and your family’s in case of an incapacity to work:
- Payment Protection: reimbursement of the insurance premium so you don't have to worry about anything else.
- help with household chores.
- Childcare and school support at home.
- delivery of medicines to your home
- Home workstation with computer support.
- We take your mail from your office to your home.
- Physiotherapy at home.
- Taxi service for everyday tasks.
Qualification periods
Group 0 to II surgery according to OMC *: 3 months. Complex diagnostic tests and psychology: 6 months. Childbirth or c-section: 8 months. Complex therapeutic methods, tubal ligation/ vasectomy, hospitalisation and surgery from group III to VIII according to OMC*: 10 months.
OMC. Medical College Organisation
900 90 13 14
Or if you wish