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Sanitas Profesionales

Exclusive cover for self employed

Family assistance IPLUS Profesionales

If you are self employed or you have you own company in Spain, with Sanitas Profesionales you will have access to a fully comprehensive health plan that also includes specific covers for you as self employed: traffic and occupational accidents and total protection

Cover included

Total Protection

To cover your needs and your family’s in case of an incapacity to work:

Qualification periods

Group 0 to II surgery according to OMC *: 3 months. Complex diagnostic tests and psychology: 6 months. Childbirth or c-section: 8 months. Complex therapeutic methods, tubal ligation/ vasectomy, hospitalisation and surgery from group III to VIII according to OMC*: 10 months.

OMC. Medical College Organisation

sanitas accede medico


900 90 13 14
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